Asked Questions

Find information on entry requirements, study options, duration, international recognition, financial support, and career prospects. Clear up any doubts and gain a better understanding of these qualifications to make informed decisions about your educational journey.

Centre FAQs

1Why should we offer Edupro Qualifications?
Offering Edupro, UK qualifications can enhance your institution's reputation, expand its student community, and equip learners with internationally acknowledged credentials that open pathways for advanced education and career opportunities.

Here are the few reasons why should you offer Edupro qualifications at your centre:

  • Professionalism

Professionalism goes beyond technical expertise and includes aspects such as communication skills, ethical behaviour, reliability, punctuality, and maintaining a positive and cooperative attitude. This lies at the heart of our organisation.

  • Sustainable Education

Sustainable education goes beyond traditional academic subjects and incorporates cross-disciplinary learning, critical thinking, systems thinking, and participatory approaches. Edupro qualifications covers the content of SDG.

  • Standard & Quality

We design and award qualifications which are comparable to RQF level 3 through to level 7. Edupro qualifications are meticulously crafted by subject matter experts in their respective fields.

  • Collaborative Partnership

Edupro is proud to be associated with the East Midlands Chamber and the Federation of Small Businesses (FSB) in UK. We are actively developing partnerships with universities and professional bodies worldwide.

2What are the requirements of being an Edupro approved centre?

To become a centre to deliver Edupro qualifications, you can follow these three simple steps:

1) Research and Apply:

  • Conduct thorough research on the Edupro, our qualifications, and the sector we operate in.
  • Familiarise yourself with the specific qualifications you are interested in delivering and understand the requirements.
  • Express your interest in becoming a centre and complete the centre approval application form.

2) Assessment and Evaluation:

  • Participate in the assessment and evaluation process conducted by Edupro.
  • This may involve a review of your organisation's facilities, resources, policies, procedures, and staff qualifications.
  • Address any recommendations or improvements highlighted during the assessment process.

3) Partnership Agreement and Training:

  • Once your application is approved and we will sign a centre agreement with you.
  • Agreement clearly outlines the roles, responsibilities, and obligations of both parties.
  • We will arrange for any necessary training sessions or support for the centre to ensure that staff is adequately trained and equipped to deliver Edupro qualifications.

For more information, please visit our Centre Approval page.

3Is it necessary to obtain separate approval for the qualification?
No, once you are approved as a Learning and Exam Centre (LEC), you can offer any of our qualifications. However, it is important to inform us whether you will be offering all or selected qualifications.
4Do you provide certificate for the courses we offer in our centre?

Our customised award service (CAS) recognises that centres sometimes devise customised training programmes that are specific to their learners need and therefore aren’t part of any standard or national framework. For these programmes, we recognise the robust quality assurance systems that the centres have in place and apply to these programmes.

Please visit our customised award service (CAS) page for details.

5Can we use your logo in our website and other promotional activities?
Yes, you can use our designated logo for specific purposes. Please follow Edupro Brand Guidelines.
6How can we register learners with Edupro?

Once the learner is admitted with the centre, each learner’s information must be entered in Edupro Centre Management Portal information system within due time. This enables us to monitor the learners progress throughout the qualification.

Centre will take all reasonable steps to ensure that –

(a) each Learner enrolling to an Edupro qualification is registered in a way that permits the Learner to be clearly and uniquely identified, and

(b) where the identity of a Learner has not previously been confirmed to the Centre at which the assessment will take place, arrangements are in place to confirm the Learner’s identity.

(c) all learners record is kept for the review and monitoring by Edupro quality staff or external quality assurer.

Fortunately, Edupro Centre Management portal will make above things easier for the centre.

Following approval, each centre is given the centre login credentials (user ID and password) to its Centre Liaison Officer.

Centre should login into centre portal to register any learner using the following URL: Details process has been portrayed in Edupro Learner Registration and Certification Policy and Process.

7How can we share the learners results with Edupro?

Please login to the Centre Portal-

To submit results after the completion of assessment and internal quality assurance by the centre, click Transcript icon and select unit Grade from the dropdown menu and click ‘Save’ button.

Please note that depending on the length of the qualification the centre must allow the required time lag between ‘registration of learners’ in the system and ‘result submission’.

This will ensure the External Quality Assurer to review and verify the validity of assessment, IQA and the learning time.

8How can we claim the certificates from Edupro?

Please login to the Centre Portal-

To claim the certificate of a resulted learner, click on the checkbox to left of respective row and click on “Claim for certificate”. Certificates can be claimed for the learners who have completed all required units of a particular qualification with at least ‘Pass’ grade.

We will appoint an External Quality Assurer (EQA) to verify the delivery and assessment of learners of the particular centre.

Click on the Certificates menu. This will show Learner Certificate list & status of the certificate

Once the certificate is printed by Edupro, the “Print Status” will show the “Certificate Number”.

9How can we verify learner certificates?
Please follow the link for certificate verification

Learner FAQs

1How can I enrol to an Edupro qualification?
To ensure you receive the full advantages of local tuition support, Edupro has designed its qualifications to be entirely centre-based. This means that in order to complete the qualification, you will need to register at a specific centre located conveniently for you.
2How can I find an Edupro approved centre near me?
To locate a nearby approved learning and exam centre (LEC), kindly send an email to, including your location details. We will provide you with a list of the LECs closest to your area.
3How can I apply for an amended certificate or replacement certificate?

If you need make a name change on your certificate, or if you lost your certificate, you can request for a replacement certificate by using the specific form. You should primarily contact your LEC for any amendments in your certificate. They will guide you in details.

Please consider the following notes. Certificate will be marked as being a replacement certificate.

4Where should I contact for my result and certificate?

Your primary contact point for any query is the LEC where you have enrolled for Edupro qualification.

Please contact your LEC regarding your result and certificate.

5How can I appeal against my exam results?

Edupro allows a 3-stage appeals procedure. The first stage must be completed before progression to the next stage.

The three stages are referred to as:

  1. a) Stage 1 – Appeal at Centre. This is the first stage of the appeal process and will allow for Edupro Centres to conduct its own review of the appellant’s case. The Centre employees and/or learners must keep all evidence until a final judgement is made.

At Stage 1 of the appeal procedure, the centre will need to ensure that the decision maker is an appropriate and competent individual who was not involved in the making of the original decision. The Centre Liaison Officer on behalf of the centre needs to ensure that there is no conflict of interest with the appellant and decision maker. External Quality Assurer (EQA) will verify the relevant documents in the EQA visit.

The Centre will need to store the relevant document for the following External Quality Assurance (EQA) or any monitoring visit as well.

  1. b) Stage 2 – Appeal to Edupro. If the appellant is not satisfied with the outcome of stage-1, then he/she can make an appeal to Edupro by writing an email to This stage of the appeal process and will allow for Edupro to conduct its own review of the appellant’s case. Edupro will keep evidence in accordance with its record-keeping and data-protection policies.

At Stage 2 of the appeal procedure, Edupro will ensure that the decision maker is an appropriate and competent individual who was not involved in the making of the original decision at Stage 1 and there is no conflict of interest in any stage of the application. 

Learners making direct appeals to Edupro must give evidence that they have completed the Stage 1 Centre appeals process. It is expected that learners will only approach us directly in exceptional circumstances. The appellant will need to submit all documents including the Appeal Form. We may interview further the appellant and other stakeholders in the process. We will produce a report with the investigation outcome from Edupro and decisions will be communicated to relevant stakeholders.  

  1. c) Stage 3 – Independent Review. This stage provides for an independent review of the appellant's case. If the appellant is dissatisfied with the outcome of the Stage-2 appeal, he or she may proceed to Stage-3 by sending an email to

At Stage 3 of the appeal procedure, the appeal will be heard by at least two individuals. The first will be a member of the Risk & Compliance Management Committee, who was not involved in the making of the original decision or in Stage 2 of the appeal procedure. The second individual will be an independent reviewer who is not an employee or Assessor of Edupro, or otherwise connected to it, outside of their role in reviewing the appeal.

At all stages of the appeal procedure, Edupro will carefully select its appeal reviewers to ensure that no decision regarding an appeal is made by an individual who has a personal interest in its outcome. This will be ensured and monitored through the Edupro Conflict of Interest Policy.


Please contact your LEC for the copy and details of ‘Edupro Appeals Policy and Procedures’.

6How can I verify my certificate?

Learner, an employer, educational institution can verify the registration and achievements of Edupro learners.  Please follow the link below to verify your certificate- You will need the Edupro Learner Registration Number and Date of Birth

7How can I lodge a complaint against a LEC?

The Edupro Complaints Policy and Procedures are intended to establish a quick, straightforward, and streamlined solution to responding to complaints swiftly and locally by professional, well-trained staff.

A complain could be managed in any of the following stage: 

  1. a) Stage 1 – Complain at Centre. This is the first stage of the complaint handling process and will allow for Edupro Centres to conduct its own review of the complainant’s case. This will be particularly useful in situations where the problem is straightforward and requires little or no inquiry. To make things right, an 'on-the-spot' apology, explanation, or other action would be suitable.

At Stage 1 of the complaint handling procedure, Edupro centre will ensure that the decision maker is an appropriate and competent individual who was not involved in the making of the original decision. The Centre will need to store the relevant document for the following External Quality Assurance (EQA) visit.

  1. b) Stage 2 – Escalate complain to Edupro. If the complainant is dissatisfied with the response from the centre at stage one, or refuses to interact with the centre, or if the issue is complicated, serious, or 'high-risk,' the complaint should be escalated to Edupro. This stage of the process and will allow for Edupro to conduct its own review of the appellant’s case.

The complainant must complete and submit the Edupro Complain Submission Form (available to the approved centres) within 15 working days of the incident or the response being issued by the Centre at Stage 1. At Stage 2 of the complaint handling procedure, Edupro will ensure that the decision maker is an appropriate and competent individual who was not involved in the making of the original decision at Stage 1.

  1. C) Stage 3 – Independent Review. An independent review may be sought if the complainant is not satisfied with the stage two answer. This stage allows for there to be an independent assessment of the appellant’s case.