Centre Approval

To become a centre to deliver Edupro qualifications, you can follow these three simple steps:
Research and Apply:
- Conduct thorough research on the Edupro, our qualifications, and the sector we operate in.
- Familiarise yourself with the specific qualifications you are interested in delivering and understand the requirements.
- Express your interest in becoming a centre and complete the application here.
Assessment and Evaluation:
- Participate in the assessment and evaluation process conducted by Edupro.
- This may involve a review of your organisation's facilities, resources, policies, procedures, and staff qualifications.
- Address any recommendations or improvements highlighted during the assessment process.
Partnership Agreement and Training:
- Once your application is approved and we will sign a centre agreement with you.
- Agreement clearly outlines the roles, responsibilities, and obligations of both parties.
- We will arrange for any necessary training sessions or support for the centre to ensure that staff is adequately trained and equipped to deliver Edupro qualifications.
Maintain open communication with us throughout the process to seek clarification, address any queries, and ensure a smooth transition into becoming an approved centre.
To deliver our qualifications you must be a Learning & Exam Centre (LEC) or Edupro Recognised Employer (ERE)
You will require to supply us the following information:
- Completed Edupro Centre Approval Application Form
- Supporting Documents to comply with Approval Form
Centre Approval Criteria
To deliver our qualifications you must take approval as a Learning & Exam Centre (LEC) or Edupro Recognised Employer (ERE) and maintain following criteria.
Centre Management
Edupro will ensure that the centre comply with following criteria:
- Centre management should comply with the Edupro Code of Ethical Conduct in doing its business.
- Senior management supports the centre’s objectives, policies and procedures in relation to the qualification
- Assessment team understand the centre’s aims, policies and procedures in relation to the qualification.
- Procedures have been established to enable successful communication at all levels of the organisation and in all directions (including sub-centre, placements and staff who work remotely).
- Responsibilities, authorities and accountabilities of the assessment and internal quality assurance team across all assessment sites are clearly defined, allocated and understood
- Regular team meetings are held involving all employees engaged in the qualification’s teaching and training, as well as assessment and internal quality assurance.
- A staff induction and development policies and processes are in place for the assessment and internal quality assurance team
- There are documented policies including but not limited to appeals, complaints, health and safety, safeguarding, malpractice and plagiarism, conflicts of interest and diversity and equality
- The centre meets the proposed GLH within the specification (where appropriate)
- Appropriate staff, resources and systems are in place necessary to support the accumulation and transfer of credits, the recording of exemptions and recognition of prior learning
- Learner’s personal data is collected and held in accordance with the Data Protection Legislation
- Marketing and advertising of the qualification(s) is clear, accurate and not misleading and, where applicable, complies with Edupro and regulatory guidelines
- The centre has a robust registration and certification process in place and registers learners in a timely fashion to allow for external quality assurance to take place
- Certificate claims of the learners are correct and valid
- Learner records and details of achievements are accurate, kept up to date and securely stored in line with Edupro and regulatory requirements and will be made available for external quality assurance visits and auditing
- Where qualification(s) have been written and developed by the centre, there is a robust process in place to ensure the content is fit for purpose
- There is a process in place for withdrawing qualification and learners from Edupro register
- The centre’s achievements will be evaluated and reviewed and used to inform future qualification developmental activity
Systems and Resources
Edupro will ensure that the centre comply with following criteria and conditions:
- The centre is adequately staffed for the delivery and assessment.
- Assessors are occupationally competent and knowledgeable
- Internal Quality Assurers are occupationally competent and knowledgeable
- Staff working in the delivery and assessment of the qualification have access to suitable continuing professional development (CPD).
- Equipment and premises used for the purposes of delivery and assessment comply with the requirements of relevant business legislation and Edupro requirements.
Delivery, Assessment and Learners Support
Edupro will ensure that the centre comply with following criteria:
- How the security of the assessment is maintained and managed
- Assessors have full, up-to-date documentation
- Any conflicts of interest of the assessors are identified, documented and managed.
- There is a schedule of delivery and assessment methods available for the qualification that fulfils Edupro and regulatory requirements.
- Learners and potential learners are provided with accurate information, counsel, and guidance regarding the centre's methods and practices.
- There is a procedure for accurate and timely registration of Learners. Learners are registered within four (4) weeks of commencement of qualification.
- The requirements of the qualification are matched to the needs of the learners, and an individual assessment plan is created.
- Learners are given regular chances to review their progress and goals, as well as to update their assessment plans to attain their desired certification.
- Recognised Prior Learning (RPL) achievements are acknowledged, documented, and verified for accuracy (where applicable).
- The assessment materials are prepared at the right level of qualification and as per the guidelines of Edupro.
- The assessment methods utilised are valid and reliable, and learners have access to assessment.
- The assessment, including any grading judgments, was carried out in compliance with the specification's criteria.
- Learners receive regular verbal and written feedback after assessment.
- All assessment evidence of each unit is named, signed and dated by the Assessor and Learner.
- Assessment records show accurate assessment tracking, progress and achievement.
- There are adequate processes in place to ensure that current and finished learner assessment records and examination materials are stored securely and safely.
- Exams and assessments are administered in a way that ensures conformity with our external assessment requirements.
Internal Quality Assurance
Edupro will ensure that the centre comply with following criteria:
- How the centre is maintaining the internal quality assurance process of the assessment and delivery of training for the qualification.
- There is an appropriate IQA strategy and sampling plan which is reviewed regularly and corrective measures implemented.
- There are appropriate mechanisms in place to ensure proper interaction, uniformity, and standardisation across all qualification, including any sub-centres.
- Assessor tasks and responsibilities are clearly delegated and suit the requirements of both learners and assessors.
- Assessors have been provided with accurate advice and support to enable them to identify and meet their training and development needs.
- Assessors have been assisted with arrangements for learners with special assessment requirements (where applicable).
- Assessors have been assisted in resolving disputes and appeals (where applicable).
- Any conflicts of interest of the internal quality assurers are identified, documented and managed.
- Assessors are provided with clear and constructive feedback on the use of different types of assessment methods, judgement of evidence and assessment decisions
- Assessment is internally quality assured, and each unit of internally quality assured evidence is named, signed and dated by the Internal Quality Assurer
- Sample dates are consistent with dates in the IQA sampling plans
- Up to date records of internal quality assurance and feedback to Assessors have been maintained.
- Adequate time has been allocated to carry out internal quality assurance duties.
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